Marcussen & Søn Orgelbyggeri A/S secures the future with new ownership
1. July 2024Church Organ for Sale
16. September 2024The organ at Frederiksberg Church was restored and rebuilt in 2024. The organ was built by Marcussen & Søn in 1947. The historic organ facade was reused in front of the great organ (H.J. Müller 1754). The organ cases and the Rückpositive was designed by Prof. Kaare Klint (who also was in charge of the completion of the Grundtvigs Kirke in Copenhagen). 3 new pedal stops were added in 1986, and the specification now includes 34 stops on 3 manuals & pedal, with mechanical key and stop action. In 1947 the swell organ (Oberwerk) stop and key action was controlled electropneumatically. The restoration project 2024 included a new mechanical console, and the swell organ (Oberwerk) was changed to mechanical key action/electrical stop action, further the pedal and swell organs were equipped with new organ cases and with new windchests. Changes of the specification, including renewal of reed stops according to historical examples, were carried out. The Oberwerk received new wind system. An old Zimbelsstern was reestablished in the Great, after restoration with new bells.
In connection with the approval of the work, organ consultant Kristian Olesen writes: "The new key action works excellently, the repetition is perfect and the player has optimal contact with the action. The fact that the organ now has mechanical action is a great gain for the organ.
The wind supply works as it should, the wind is plentiful and calm. The renewed Oberwerk swell case means that there is now a significant swell effect.
The new Gamba 8’ in the Oberwerk has funnel shape, which gives a fuller sound. This register is a significant gain for the Oberwerk. The new reed pipes are modelled on historical models, with driven shallots, maple and lead heads, lead and wooden boots, respectively, and resonators in hammered plate. The new reeds sound with a rich palette of overtones; the characterful speech are noticeable, which especially for the Fagot 16' and Trumpet 8' gives a clarity and presence that was previously lacking."
All reeds are renewed, exept from the Pedal Trompet 8', which was renewed in 1986.
I. manual
Gedakt 16' C-H 5 1/3'
Principal 8' C-A comb. with Rørfl. 8'
Rørfløjte 8'
Oktav 4'
Gedakt 4'
Rørquint 2 2/3'
Oktav 2'
Mixtur V
Trompet 8' 2024
II. manual
Gedakt 8'
Principal 4' C-Ds comb. with Rørfl. 4'
Rørfløjte 4'
Quintatøn 2'
Scharf II
Krumhorn 8' 2024
III. manual
Gedakt 8'
Gamba 8' 2024
Oktav 4' C-H 2024
Fløjte 4'
Gemshorn 2'
Quint 1 1/3'
Sesquialtera II 2024
Mixtur IV
Dulcian 16' 2024
Skalmeje 8' 2024
Subbas 16'
Oktav 8' 1989 C-f new pipes of tin
Gedakt 8'
Oktav 4' 1986
Blokfløjte 2'
Rauschquint IV 1986
Fagot 16' 2024
Trompet 8' 1986
Regal 4' 2024
Manual C-f3, Pedal C-f1
Couplers: H+R, H+O, P+H, P+R, P+S
Tremulants: Great, Rückpositive, Oberwerk