House of Music · Aalborg · Denmark
11. June 2019Hansted Church
18. June 2019Rebuild and extension
The organ at Tved Church was originally built in 1965 by Jydsk Orgelbyggeri, with 4 stops on 1 manual & pedal. The organ is extended to 11 stops, by addition of a Swell organ with 6 stops and a new 2-manual console. The Rohrflute 4' in I manual is changed to a Rohrquint 2 2/3'. The Swell is placed behind the I manual case, and the pedal is relocated to the niche behind the Swell.
Tekniske specifikationer
I. manual C-g3
Gedakt 8’ (bestående piber)
Principal 4’ (bestående piber)
Rørquint 2 2/3’(baseret på tid-ligere Rørfløjte 4’piber)
Oktav 2’ (bestående piber)
Gedakt 8’ (bestående piber)
Principal 4’ (bestående piber)
Rørquint 2 2/3’(baseret på tid-ligere Rørfløjte 4’piber)
Oktav 2’ (bestående piber)
II. manual C-g3 (i svelle)
Italiensk Principal 8’
Rørfløjte 8’
Spidsfløjte 4’
Fløjte 2’
Quint 2 2/3’
Terts 1 3/5’
Italiensk Principal 8’
Rørfløjte 8’
Spidsfløjte 4’
Fløjte 2’
Quint 2 2/3’
Terts 1 3/5’
Pedal C-f1
Subbas 16’ (bestående piber)
Subbas 16’ (bestående piber)