Mariehøj Church · Silkeborg
11. June 2019Elijah’s Church · Copenhagen
11. June 2019The Sct. Nicolai church in Aabenraa is only a few steps from the Marcussen workshops. The organ was built in 1956, with 31 stops distributed over Hovedværk, Brystværk, Overværk, and a Pedal. The front design is by architect Esben Klint. The organ is located on a small space at the west end. The organ is preserved in it’s original state and it was restored in 2011.
Compass: C-g3, C-f1
Mechanical key and stop action.
Couplers: HV+OV, HV+BV, P+HV, P+OV, P+BV
Tremulant: BV
Stops: 31
Temperament and pitch: equal, a’ = 439 Hz. ved 20oC
No. of pipes: 2.052
Compass: C-g3, C-f1
Mechanical key and stop action.
Couplers: HV+OV, HV+BV, P+HV, P+OV, P+BV
Tremulant: BV
Stops: 31
Temperament and pitch: equal, a’ = 439 Hz. ved 20oC
No. of pipes: 2.052
Technical specifications
I. Manual
Gedakt 8’
Italiensk Pr. 4’
Quintatøn 4’
Waldfløjte 2’
Sivfløjte 1’
Sesquialtera II
Scharf IV
Dulcian 16’
Gedakt 8’
Italiensk Pr. 4’
Quintatøn 4’
Waldfløjte 2’
Sivfløjte 1’
Sesquialtera II
Scharf IV
Dulcian 16’
II Manual
Principal 8’
Rørfløjte 8’
Oktav 4’
Spidsfløjte 4’
Oktav 2’
Mixtur V
Trompet 8’
Principal 8’
Rørfløjte 8’
Oktav 4’
Spidsfløjte 4’
Oktav 2’
Mixtur V
Trompet 8’
III manual
Gedakt 8’
Rørfløjte 4’
Principal 2’
Blokfløjte 2’
Quint 1 1/3’
Cymbel I
Regal 8’
Gedakt 8’
Rørfløjte 4’
Principal 2’
Blokfløjte 2’
Quint 1 1/3’
Cymbel I
Regal 8’
Subbas 16’
Oktav 8’
Gedakt 8’
Oktav 4’
Nathorn 2’
Mixtur VI
Fagot 16’
Trompet 8’
Skalmeje 4’
Subbas 16’
Oktav 8’
Gedakt 8’
Oktav 4’
Nathorn 2’
Mixtur VI
Fagot 16’
Trompet 8’
Skalmeje 4’